Wednesday, November 9, 2011

November 9: Ride to Zaaffran's

This is us in Kigali, the capital, taking some taxi motos to our favorite place to eat in Rwanda. Oddly enough, it is Indian food. It is sort of a get-a-way for us. Taxi motos are our primary means of transportation in Kigali.  They are so much cheaper than the car taxis.


  1. Good morning. It's always good to hear from you. The picture didn't come through on my computer. I'm using the iPad so I will check it on the MacBook. Our iMac crashed during a storm in October, but Patrick was able to retrieve all our data. I think we are going with a mini Mac and monitor like your mom and Herb did.

    How do you get to Kilgali?

    I am going to post your blog on our church FB site so others can keep up with you.

  2. hahahahahahahahah!!! Love it!!! Love the close up of Julianna!! hahahahahahahahhahahahah! You guys are great!

  3. Oh! And the music was PERFECT!!!! Loved talking to you today, Julianna! Can't stop smiling!!! Miss you both! Drew.... You da man!!!
